
Sri Sri Sri Sahasrakshi Rajarajeswari Devi

The main deity of the Sri Yantra Maha Meru is Sri Sri Sri Sahasrakshi Rajarajeswari who sits in all regal splendour in eternal union with Siva, at the Bindu sthanam.

The primary focus of Devipuram, the Sri Yantra Maha Meru Temple is a unique three-dimensional projection (108’ X 108’ X 54’) of the sacred Hindu yantra known as Sri Chakra, which is central to Sri Vidya Upasana (an ancient and intricate form of Tantric Shakta worship).

Sri Sahasrakshi Devi receives the Navavarana Puja every day and Panchamruta Abhishekam every full moon and new moon days.

The Sri Yantra Maha Meru is the only place in the world where one can see first-hand the life- size forms of all the Khadgamala deities, whose names are worshipped in the Khadgamala Stotram and whose intimate worship is fully described in the esoteric Sri Chakra Puja or Navavarana Puja.

This is the only temple in the world in the form of Sri Chakra that you can walk into!
