


Abstact: Amritananda (Dr. N. P. Sastry) performed a Devi Yaga in Vizag in april 1983. At that time a 3 acre plot was donated at a place we call Devipuram now. It is in Sabbavaram Mandal, Vizag District, A.P. He used to come here. There were no roads, no water, no way. He was looking for confirmation that this was the place intended for the Devi temple he wanted to build. He discovered an oval rock about 9 feet with a triangular with a 6 ft pit in it. It had the features of a female genital. It was obviously cut by human hands long time ago. He used to meditate there. He went into a trance and saw Devi Kamakhya in front of him. When he accepted Her invitation to do puja, she opened herself to him and initiated him into ancient erotic rituals. She inspired him to build three temples: one for Herself, one for Father, and one for Sri Chakra.

The Kamakhya Guru Peetham was built by him around the oval rock in 1983. Temple for Siva was built on top of the hill the same time. Then Sri Meru was completed in 1994 in the donated land. Kamakhya showed him in meditation the goddesses of Sri Chakra. He could describe them to the sculptor. This article is what Kamakhya Devi told him. In essence, it describes how acceptance of Eros can heal, empower women and men. Eros is seen in the context of freedom and social empowerment.



Kamakhya told Amrita: "In the olden days enjoying sex was a proper aim of life and so Kama was sacred. Kama was the God of Love, same as Siva, with Rati, myself, happiness of sexual union, being his wife. Use of erotic rituals used to be performed to pleasure me. They are carved in all sacred temples. Eros is pro-life. It is the fountain of semen, blood, milk and white and pink light which sustains passion, joy, creativity, power and love. This method of worship is available to every one. It is the easy path to me. My name means sex desire. I am the source of all life. 

"There are many temples for me which are following Dakshinachara available only to elite Brahmins. But I am life in every one, not only the elite. I love fun, I am very sexual, I am pro-life. So I am in everyone as erotic desire. I am accessible to everyone who has passion for sex. I am there in Deva Dasis, and prostitutes also. Every woman, no matter what her state in life is, has the right to be worshipped. She only has to ask for it as I did to you. Make sure that Her decency is not violated. No one should be forced, compelled or bribed into the puja. Only volunteering adults may willingly and joyously participate in my erotic rituals called chakra pujas without any sense of shame. The female genital is my temple. I should be worshipped there.

"How should the worship be done? I accept all enjoyments as worship. Enjoyment doesn't hurt anyone. My puja can be done simply, or elaborately. You may worship me through any consenting woman thus: Inviting, offering a seat, washing hands, offering water and milk to drink, sensual massage with herbal oils followed by bath, anointing all body parts with perfumes, offering lovely clothes, makeup, ornaments, scented flowers and decorations to every part of the body, giving delicacies to eat, and waving lights. Then I will bless you through the woman receiving the puja to fulfill all your desires if they involve no injury to any one. All the time the puja is going on, any potent mantras like the thousand names of any Goddess should be recited or heard.

"I have blessed the world. So there should be an orgy of celebration, with singing and dancing and fine arts. I will put life into all your arts.

"Such pujas done to women are the core of bhakti to me. They empower the women receiving the puja to become divine. I am pleased by such pujas. Inhibitions, or sense of shame are creations of ego; sense of I and mine. At least for the duration of puja, people should let go of them in the temples here and everywhere.

"There is no restriction really that only husbands should worship their wives. What was the relationship between you and your wife before marriage? Any one could have been your spouse, right? If such restriction were to be placed, puja would never happen with real bhakti. What is puja without bhakti? Husbands may not like their women to become free, to be liberated. If only husbands are allowed to do puja to their wives and they are unwilling to do it, or the wives don't like to be worshipped by others because tradition goes against it, how can they ever receive the adoration and love they deserve? Should they then miss the opportunity to be adored at least once in their life time to be a Goddess? In this age, billions of women need to become free of domination from bondage and aggression. You need a society free from male AND female domination. How this can happen?

"I know in this age of repression of women, worship is considered obscene. Why can't you make love in temples like in olden days? Who teaches you the fine arts of satisfying the partner if both partners are ignorant? Must you learn from dull, repetitive pornographic films and books secretly with a feeling of sin? Why did the fine arts of erotic rituals involving transformation of lust to love become wrong and became black magic? What kind of legal norms are you having if it doesn't object to fighting, injuring and rape being shown publicly while love play is forbidden? How come you have become so anti-life and pro-death? Did your Vedas or Shastras prescribe violence as a purushartha? Can guns and weapons feed or educate a poor child, or heal a single suffering person? 

"Did you know that Shiva's emblem is Ananda Bhairava, the unhooded penis Linga, that my temple is the life giving womb Garbha, that Ganapathi stands at the G-spot, that Kundalini- Kumara's seat is the clitoris, and that the vehicle of Shiva is the testes? Did you know that flowers are the genitals of trees, holy ashes represents semen and kumkum the menstrual flow? Did you know that love play is my puja? Why should you be ashamed of your rich culture which is pro-life and sexy?

"Throw away your inhibitions, do what you feel is right openly. Change your laws, it is high time. Have one law for every one; treat all equally. Make violence, weapons of mass destruction, illegal and unlawful. Divert the resources from creating mass destruction to educate, empower and enrich the lives of people. You have my blessings. Nudity is the symbol of having nothing to hide, being open to being loved. Let people be nude in the temples if they so wish. And be worshipped like that. The whole of nature is nude except you silly humans. Move into a world of love and light, not alienation and darkness. Allow yourselves to enjoy. Enjoyment is virtue. Misery is sin.

"For worship to yield fruit, some form of energy exchange has to be there. The best form is service. The person being empowered should repay the debt through some form of service to the Goddess temple. The best service is to convince people that loving is empowering, that puja really empowers women and men by making them Goddesses and Gods, who are able to create a new world order of love.

"It is Ok to be nude. It is Ok to have fun with a willing partner. It is Ok to give a ritual bath to a woman. It is Ok to see people enjoying good sex. Temples are indeed the places for promoting social intercourse and empowerment. It is Ok to know that ejaculation and orgasm can be and are different. It is Ok to practice from a learned Guru the fine arts of worshipping Goddess. 

"If people object to these values, they may go to another place. There is no compulsion to come here. There is no adversity that will come to them if they don't come here. Let people exercise their choice.

"Initially people will listen but shake their heads in disbelief. They will leer, they will say it is nonsense, they will say this will destroy culture and civilized behavior. That is normal, because that is how they have been programmed by society. When entire population of the world want sex and like to show it and see it at least in their privacy, how can it be abnormal? As the society realizes the roots of its ills, more and more people will start accepting these ways. It is not your job to convince people. They will have to convince themselves, shed their inhibitions for enjoyments. There is more hope with the younger generation than old people with set attitudes. You must reach out to adolescents, and explain the concepts of sexual fulfillment. There is more hope with villagers who are in tune with nature than urbanites. So I have chosen this rural setting.

"Every one tells you, what will other people think? How will you be judged? How will it reflect on the society? They will try to imprison you, poison you, kill you. Don't ever worry about that. There is no such thing as death. You are already in a life long prison called your body, mind and ego. One more prison around it doesn't matter. If you know how to get out of the prison of your body, no prison can hold you. Let people judge you as they think fit. All that matters is are you convinced "this is the way"? Make information available to them. You tell people, but don't compel them. People will bring bouquets and brickbats. You don't have to change. Be firm in your belief. It is not even belief. A fact can't be reduced to belief. You don't have to believe in something you know first hand to be true. I will bring the right people to you.

"I have sent many many people before you. I will keep sending more. I am the way. I am the gate of life, the maker of life, the yoni, the source of life."

Yes, these are the words that Goddess spoke to Amrita. Take it or leave it. Think it is true or false. It doesn't matter. Come here if you like. Don't come if you don't like. Nobody compels you. Only try to see for yourself. Don't blindly accept what others say.

The most important differences between an ordinary orgasm with ejaculation and TANTRIC orgasm without ejaculation are illustrated in the following comparative analysis:


(with ejaculation)


(without ejaculation)

Explosion (outward-bursting energy).

Inevitably, the erotic energy is lost permanently and uselessly. The intensity of a following sexual act diminishes greatly compared to what was felt at the beginning.

Implosion (inward-bursting energy).

The erotic energy sublimates and is transmuted in ever more refined forms of energy which are gradually accumulated in the depths of our being, producing extremely refined and intense states of pleasure and expanded consciousness. The intensity of the following sexual acts increase constantly and do not diminish in the end.

Lasts a very short time, creating a nostalgic state of frustration due to the partial lack of fulfillment (especially for women, who need a long time to reach the peak of excitement). Beyond time, lasting indefinitely therefore is contiguous with Infinity. Ocean-like state of beatific fulfillment felt by BOTH man and woman as a shared feeling of happiness and joy of living which expands the perception of pleasure. The two lovers become gradually aware of the God(dess) within. Man can share woman's multi-orgasmic capacity without losing the erection.
In the physical body only. Inside as well as outside the physical body, in the subtle invisible body and in the surrounding environment. All beings and objects seem to make love at the same time.
Playing with the other. Playing within yourself with a simultaneous, telepathic perception of the other through empathy, "I feel the other as if he/she is myself."
Dependency. Independence. The other "disappears" due to the spontaneous transfiguration. Both man and woman expand endlessly their merged
consciousness into the Universe.
Woman passive/man active. Woman active/man passive.
Heavy breathing. Easy, calm and quiet breathing.
A reflex or instinctual act leading to loss of control, an unconscious, animalistic, irrepressible experience. Hyper-conscious and fully controlled act leading gradually to ecstatic, erotic abandon and happiness which lasts as long as two to three days after a successful TANTRIC experience.
Chaotic movement. Non-movement followed by slow wavelike movements to which the other's body answers tenderly and insatiably in a perfect harmony.
Limited sexual availability due to the exhaustion which follows ejaculation. This leads gradually to a state of permanent fatigue and drowsiness which can manifest as instinctive repulsion for the other or as lack of self-esteem. Unlimited sexual availability making possible an overwhelming erotic experience of a paramount intensity which can last eight to ten hours without interruption --providing that BOTH man and woman perfectly CONTROL the sexual energy. The erotic vitality of the couple amplifies leading to a clear state of inner power and of complete sexual fulfillment.
Fear of undesired pregnancy. The use of contraceptives has many unhealthy side-effects such as hormonal imbalances leading to obesity. Complete freedom of any restrictions or fears. Because of the total semen retention irrespective of the duration of the sexual act, pregnancy is out of the question when undesired. Man becomes a completely safe lover and his woman will never have to use
contraceptives when she makes love with him. This leads to a totally natural birth control.
Attachment, selfish desire, possessiveness and jealousy. Detachment, desire transcended into fulfillment, leading to a state of peace with oneself and of tender happiness which overflows to other human beings as love and compassion.
Due to the huge loss of sexual energy, the sexual experiences become less and less fulfilling and, through a reflex mechanism, the psycho-mental potential decreases. Due to the complete transmutation and sublimation of the sexual power, the psycho-mental potential is increased leading to the awakening of paranormal powers (telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.). A state of overwhelming euphoria grows gradually, opening the couple to positive, affectionate feelings. Dramatic increasing of vitality
leading to the shortening of the need for sleep and awakening of the creative imagination and lucidity. Man's virility and woman's pluri-level multi-orgasmic capacity awakens and amplifies to the highest extent, leading to ever more fulfilling sexual experiences.
The dynamics of the couple decreases with time and desire transforms quickly into habit. Monotony kills the desire and the relationship becomes ever more trivial. The dynamics of the couple is enriched every day with new and amazing discoveries of the other's inner world and, through reflection, of one's own inner profile. Desire transforms
gradually into genuine and pure love, a feeling rarely known by humans and which grows constantly, fed with new and unexpectedly delicious experiences. Habit cannot survive due to the hyper-intense and spontaneous living in the ever-changing present.

Reference: Multi orgasmic man and other books by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava, Harper, Sanfrancisco.
